Busy, busy, busy - Aria MacDonald

Busy, busy, busy

Today was a full on day.

Technically it is Aria’s 4th Birthday today, but we have chosen to wait for a time when she is really well to celebrate it with her, however it is amazing to think that our little girl who we were told at 10 days old would die, has made it to four, and now has a great chance to live a good, full life.

We started the day with the four of us plus Auntie in hospital as it was Auntie’s last day here in Omaha. Each day to begin the day we have members of all the various teams involved with Aria’s care come and see her. The intensivists, the transplant team, the infectious diseases team, the respiratory team, the physical therapists….. it is just a constant barrage of people. After this comes rounds where we get the summary of how things are and what the plan going ahead is. Today there was a lot on the plate.

So after rounds Auntie said goodbye to Aria with the promise that she would send Nana and Poppa back to see Aria. Aria liked this idea a lot 🙂 Auntie was here at a really useful time in our journey, we appreciate her sacrificial attitude and willingness to do whatever was needed in our chaotic and unpredicatable life.

We then had the following: Physical Therapy in which Aria got to sit on my knee for about 90 minutes while we watched Madagascar 2, did an interview with a camera crew for the Attitude TV team, pened up some more of the staples on her tummy to let some nastiness out, did an echocardiogram to make sure that the drugs she is on are not harming her heart, had another ileoscopy to take another biopsy to make sure things are still good with her new bowel and amongst all of those things were the regular treatments from the respiratory therapists and her normal observations and medications.

Now the amazing thing about this is that Aria stayed awake through all these things but was smiling and joking most of the time. She is such a trooper! She was in one of her cheeky moods today, making me laugh and keeping me on my toes. While she is still a way from being ‘right’, today was a good day that I will treasure.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and continued prayers, as always they are greatly appreciated.

27 Responses to “Busy, busy, busy”

  1. Cat Kwocksun says:

    Happy Birthday Aria 🙂 all the very, very best wishes for you xxoo You are a absolute treasure!

  2. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Wow what a busy day – good on you Aria for undertaking all your things today with a happy smile and willing attitude! You are so special. happy birthday too – 4 years is a wonderful milestone and achievement for such a miracle girl!

    I hope Alex has a safe trip home again and I am so happy that she was able to be so helpful and wonderful for you all and good company too I hope.

  3. lisa says:

    HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY SWEET ARIA!! What a busy day you have all had! Great to hear that Aria is smiling again and joking with you, must make these hard times a little easier when you get little snippet of your cheeky girl!
    Keep smiling Aria xx

  4. joyce says:

    ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIA’Sounds like God had a really good plan having Auntie there when most needed and gave her a good send off with a great day with an alert Aria. Praying for more of these days.

  5. Lisa says:

    Happy birthday Aria, may every day you get better and life gets easier for you and your family. Get well little one. xxx

  6. Christine MacDonald says:

    You have had a busy day, so pleased Aria was in one of her cheeky moods, and that she liked the idea of Nana & Poppa’s visit, can’t wait to see you guys too. She is indeed a trooper and pleased that today will be one of many many that you will treasure. Lots of love

  7. Bracefield family says:

    Happy birthday Aria! We wish you every blessing

  8. Kiri says:

    Well done to you all for reaching this milestone intact as a family.
    My daughter is a few months older than Aria and spent most of last year being treated for cancer, which is a drop in the ocean compared to what Aria (and you all) have been through. Your posts about the torch and the toy puppies made me smile though, as my daughter also loves playing with her torch and I spent a lot of time crouched at the end of a hospital bed putting on “puppet shows” (much to the amusement of the medical staff!) Zoe liked the puppet shows to be about concepts like sharing and friendship and really interacted with the “puppets” (stuffed toys) as though they were real. The comment your nurse made about Aria always having an opinion also rang so true. Isn’t it amazing how their little personalities can shine through no matter what the situation?
    As for your comment about not using donated money for dinners out, I reckon that money is there for whatever is going to keep you going and keep you together. I know that you just have put one foot in front of the other and keep going, but I am glad you have so many people metaphorically taking that journey with you.

  9. Cork and Carol says:

    Yes,it was good to see you briefly, Aria, on such a busy day. Your dad is so right….you are quite the trooper!! And helpful to the nurses in your care! Love you bunches gal and you have some pretty awesome parents, auntie and grandparents that we have been privileged to meet. May your future celebration be awesome!
    Carol for us both

  10. Tiffany Keller says:

    Aria is the best fighter/trooper! It’s amazing what she’s been through, & she still manages to smile, & hug people! I’m glad you had her Auntie here for a while to help! God Bless!

  11. Lindsey Elsaesser says:

    Praising God with you for four years!!!

  12. Mon says:

    Hi Anita and Hamish
    I have been following your posts for a wee while now and like everyone that leaves comments are just amazed how truly dedicated and wonderful parents you both are. I am a mother and a student nurse (Real Nurse in November Hooray!!) and although brought up a Christian in NZ and went to a Christian school I lost my faith in God somewhere on my travels. BUT reading your post everyday (They came to my inbox which is fantastic)shows me we have to be thankful for the little miracles, here I am waiting for big miracles to happen I forget about the little miracles that happen to me and my family every day. Thank you both for reminding me about the little miracles. Unfortunately I have not prayed for a long time but I will start and my first prayer will go to my children and to Aria and I will continue to pray for you and your family everyday. I look forward to reading your posts and even though we will never ever meet my heart has been touched by you all. I also like to say you have made comments about the nurses you like and the ones that Aria responds to I will try and be the advocate for my patients once I register, it’s nice to see nurses making a difference for their patients and it’s always the small differences that have the biggest affect

  13. Kathleen and Anita says:

    You surely have an amazing daughter Hamish and Anita. You won’t forget her fourth birthday easily. What a busy day. Thanks Hamish for such detail. We almost feel like we were there with you!

  14. Jackie says:

    Probably a day late here in NZ, Happy Birthday Aria :-). And you got to love the Attitude team, they did a story on my son and they were awesome 🙂

  15. Nicole says:

    Happy birthday Aria!!! Lots of loves from Me and Jas and Bella 🙂

  16. fiona says:

    Happy Birthday Aria- and congratulations all of you for getting this far. I agree with Kiri- the donation money is for your journey as a family- not just Aria- you are all in this. So you need to do things that help you through all this- and that includes a wee treat now and then. Take care guys

  17. jen says:

    what a trooper indeed

    pleased to hear that she was a happy girl

  18. jeannie overall says:

    Well I think you had a great day on Princess Aria’s birthday-So great to know Aria was awake and laughing and sitting on Mummy’s kness for so long on this her special day! Just as well God made the decision for Aria’s life 4 years ago and not MAN! Love and blessings to you all – Jeannie

  19. Natalie and Cody says:

    Happy Birthday Aria — am praying that your health gets better and you get a chance to enjoy some sunshine this summer – Love and light to you all

  20. Yvonne RRN says:

    Am sure little Aria knew it was her b/day, or that it was something special to have had such a busy day & be smiling, joking & cheeky. She was celebrating this huge milestone of reaching 4yrs in her own way & in the process sharing with you to by making you laugh. What a special day. Congratulations to you all. These memories will help erase the yuck ones & be vivid for years to come.

    Love & blessings to you all

  21. Kelli Jones says:

    HAPPY Birthday Aria

  22. Raylene says:

    Thank you Hamish for your constant updates on Aria’s progress. She really is a little trooper. You are a great family!

  23. Judy Palmer says:

    I am so pleased Aria had a good day on her US birthday. May she continue having better and better days. Praying as always for continued healing and strength for you all.
    Blessings, Judy.

  24. Viv says:

    How wonderful that Aria (and you) had such a good day. Praying for many more for you.

  25. Taryn says:

    Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing the praises and the struggles. We are privileged to share this journey with you guys, even if just in prayer.

  26. Aunty Megan says:

    Way to keep daddy on his toes Aria:) Keep it up!!

  27. susan says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get to have a big celebration real soon.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11