The good news fairy - Aria MacDonald

The good news fairy

Today is another good day.

Guess what?

ARIA PEED and there is NO dialysis today- why ?  Cause she doesn’t need it.  Yesterday was a break because of her birthday and we asked for it knowing that things would go wonky (her labs- electrolytes and kidney numbers)  But overnight they didn’t and she peed out 46mls of wee/pee and another 20mls now.

We will probably have it tomorrow but thats ok- Aria is moving in the right direction.

Aria is currently trialing 2 hours three times a day on no vent but 26% 02.  You and I breath room air which is 21%.  We tried capping off her trach and she didn’t do awful but still needs a bit more time.  Her o2 stats dropped to low 90s.  But on the 26% she sits nicely at 100- perfect.

Do you know a month ago they were buzzing around with an oscillator!!!!  Aria was paralyzed and on full serious vent support- now they are trying her on room air- breathing by herself?  This is HUGE.

I told our nurse today she was the good news fairy when she updated me.  Nothing magically about this though- GOD IS GOOD.

29 Responses to “The good news fairy”

  1. Bracefield family says:

    Praise the Lord for such fantastic progress.
    We are praying that Aria’s kidneys will continue to go from strength to strength.
    In Christ

  2. melissa says:

    I’m a Respiratory Therapist so I understand your excitement about todays blog. Everything is falling into place with her breathing and that’s exciting! Aria is doing really well and I keep cheering her on! Its amazing how far she has come, from oscillator talk to trach mask with barely any oxygen!

  3. Christine MacDonald says:

    Great news, keep up the great effort Aria, you are doing really well, praying that the kidneys will continue on this upward path
    God is Good

  4. chrissy Hallberg says:


  5. Angie Arms says:

    Praise God, guys!!! Way to go, Aria. We’re so proud of you!

  6. joyce says:

    God is surely laying his blessings on Aria and you all. Will keep praying and giving thanks for hearing our prayers.

  7. Jen Cato says:

    YES YES YES! God is GREAT! YAY!!!!! I’m so happy for you guys! Goooooooooo ARIA!!!!!!!!!! <3

  8. Carolyn Robinson says:

    Praise God!

  9. Joan says:

    Good on you Aria! Upwards is the only way to go.

  10. Lisa Robertson says:

    FANTASTIC!!! We are constantly amazed by you Aria! Love to y’all (in an american accent even!) x

  11. jeannie overall says:

    praying without ceasing, for this is the will of God

    what a song to sing today for Aria

    Praise God praise God praise God for the healing taking place

  12. Cork and Carol says:

    It is with great joy that I am reading this post!! Praises to our great God! We will continue to pray for more good news. Love to you all!

  13. Tiffany Keller says:

    That’s wonderful news! I’m so happy that Aria is doing well! Thank God for that! Have a great day, & God Bless!

  14. Mel Dixon says:

    Awesome news! Praise God!! Am so pleased for Aria that she got to enjoy her birthday too.

  15. Lyaine says:

    Amen and Amen to all the other comments. GReat report and yes all thanks to our God in heaven for the healing that he is giving. also praise to Aria for the fantastic effort that she is putting in. Shes a real little trooper. GO Aria.

  16. Leanne says:

    Go Aria go girl you are doing so well. You have come a long way from a month ago. Keep it up.

  17. Joanne says:

    I am loving all the good news, keep it coming and keep up the good work super-Aria 😀

  18. Lisa says:

    Awesome progress, go ARIA!!

  19. Kathy _ Rotorua says:

    We are so over whelmed with getting good news it brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy, way to go

  20. Kathleen and Anita says:

    Great news! God is good, loving and merciful. How blest we are.

  21. iliganoa says:

    Thanksgiving Papa, we love you and thank you praise your holy Name amen. I am overwhelmed with the miracles daily Papa – many thanks Anita and Hamish for all the wonderful updates, God with us amen. love you all, and see you soon guys. love Noa.

  22. Leeann says:

    That’s so wonderful, so pleased for you all. Your honest and open updates give an amazing insight into the journey you are on. With all best wishes….

  23. Shirley Davy says:

    SO wonderful to read…. you have all come a long way in a month! Keeping on praying for those kidneys…. and that you can all be ‘home’ together. X S

  24. Martha says:

    Awesome news!

  25. Ann says:

    Great news I am sure Aria will PUing up a storm soon keep up the good work little girl.

  26. Kay and Tom says:

    Praise the Lord for all your good news! God is good — all the time. We continue to pray for Aria and her family.

  27. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Go Aria go! You are making such wonderful progress! Ham and Anita you are such awesome parents and really making the best of a difficult situation – but just look how far you have all come!

  28. lisa says:

    So delighted for you. Go Aria go!!

  29. Belinda (LF - Aus) says:

    What an awesome update! 🙂 Go Aria! 🙂

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