Breathing Room Air!! and no more dialysis!! - Aria MacDonald

Breathing Room Air!! and no more dialysis!!

You read that right, Aria’s big achievement for today was spending about 7hrs breathing humidified room air!!

Our nurse today was keen to ween her oxygen and despite my reservations I agreed we’d give it a crack and she absolutely blew my expectations away. She didn’t maintain 100% saturation, but she was well above the 92% acceptable minimum the whole time, well except when she got made at me for not putting her quite right in bed and decided she would tell me off and not breathe, funny girl.

The other big news for today is that when the Kidney Dr came in today she gave me the definite impression that her interest in Aria was over and that the only time she might say “Hi” to Aria anymore is when Aria is prowling the corridors on her walks and we happen to bump into her. Our nurse today hadn’t heard that story so while I’m confident we are out of those woods for the moment, we will be eagerly looking for confirmation of this tomorrow morning. The reason for this is that Aria’s urine output is going up, up, up and her kidney numbers are coming down, down, down.

Oh and I almost forgot she is getting a 2 hour window from her feeds so even more freedom!! Wow, things are flying along.

And just because I am jealous of all Anita’s cool Photo posts, here are a few photos of the last couple of days.

Walking Machine
Aria in her walker!

A penny for her thoughts
Aria in a thoughtful moment, maybe preparing to write her memoirs.

Colour Changing
Aria’s hands, you can see how her colour is changing with time.

Room Air Aria
Aria on room air, at this point she only had one cord attached to her, her wound vac.

33 Responses to “Breathing Room Air!! and no more dialysis!!”

  1. Kerryn says:

    wow, thats wonderful news. Its fantastic to hear that Aria is doing so well.

  2. Louise Treherne says:

    Wow! This is such a lovely post to read, thank you for sharing. Aria is leaping ahead. Kia kaha, lovely family.

    Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kKia tere karohirohi i mua i tou huarahi.

    May calm be spread around you, may the sea glisten like greenstone and the shimmer of summer dance across your path.

    xxx Lou

  3. Lyaine says:

    Wooo ho those milestones are coming thick and fast now aren’t they. Way to go ari, keep this up and you’ll soon be home in Omaha with mummy and daddy and Asher.
    Praying that theis awesome improvement contiues. Next shell be of the Trach all together. Wow WOW WOW i just can’;t stop saying it. Praise Him who is eternal.

  4. Tiffany Keller says:

    That is so wonderful! She is looking better & better all the time! I’m so happy for your whole family! Aria is such an inspiring little girl! God Bless!

  5. lisa says:

    Good job Aria!! What fantastic reading todays post made!! Keep it up Aria!

  6. Brian and Sandra says:

    Sensational stuff! Go Aria! 🙂

  7. Joanne says:

    That’s totally awesome, keep up the good work Aria 🙂

  8. Lindsey says:

    Go Aria!!! Lyla can’t wait to play with YOU and Asher! Love the picture where you are nearly cordless (: Praise God for progress!

  9. Aunty Megan says:

    Awesome stuff Aria! You’re blowing us all away!!

  10. Emma Abrahams says:

    Wonderful news! Answers to so many prayers. God is good.

  11. Rebecca Breen says:

    Great stuff! You are doind so well Bubble!

  12. Grandad David says:

    Oh! How wonderful is all THAT news? Of course she’s always going to exceed your expectation silly Daddy. Your children tend to always do that. My two still do.

  13. Kathleen and Anita says:

    What more can we say? Except THANK YOU LORD! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  14. Yvonne RRN says:

    Just awesome, Aria really has her foot on the accelrator & cruising along. Watch out for the day when Mummy & Daddy have to increase your speed to keep up!!!

    Love the way she decided to tell you off Daddy & put you in your place (lesson learnt hee hee). She finds away to communicate, but, Aria preferably find an alternative till you can vocalise as the breathing trick may not be the best. Good try tho, keeps all on their toes eh, clever girl!!

  15. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Such fantastic news each day! Aria you are so inspiring! Well done. So many huge steps forward.

  16. Natalie and Cody says:

    WOW she’s a wee trooper – yay Aria you inspirational wee Kiwi

  17. Leticia says:

    Praise the Lord for such progress! Cant wait to see what she does next!!!

  18. Raylene says:

    Keep it up Aria you are doing so well. Great to have more photos.
    Thank you

  19. lisa says:

    Wow!! Great news for you all. Super work Aria!! Love the photos.

  20. jen says:

    WTG 🙂

    love the 2nd photo 🙂

  21. Christine MacDonald says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Wow Aria you are one amazing wee Grand daughter and doing so well. Love the pics Ham.

  22. jeannie overall says:

    Such heart-warming news to read! What a joyful day for you all! We rejoice with you and wonder why we get so amazed when all along we have known that the Lord is so fantastic and kind and loving and simply the BEST! Go, Princess Aria! Soon it will be time for you and Mummy and Daddy and Asher to come ‘home’! Love and blessings-Jeannie

  23. Judy Palmer says:

    What an amazing God we have looking after and guiding us all. Great steps forward for Aria, you must be so proud of her. Love seeing her in the photos. Blessings to you all,

  24. Belinda (LF - Aus) says:

    WOW this is just the best news yet!!!
    Funy funy girl, I had to laugh when she got mad at you hamish! LOL 😉 You tell dadday Aria hehehe 🙂 but just breath please 😉

  25. Robyn says:

    Aria definitely is a miracle girl. The healing seems to be speeding up like a train getting up speed after leaving the station. It has been stationary, even seeming to go backwards sometimes but now it’s off. You had better get your running shoes on mum and dad. Praise Jesus.

  26. Viv says:

    Wooho, fantastic news. That really is great to hear. Praying that the improvements just keep on coming so you can all be a family together agin very soon.

    Love the pics of Aria. Her colour is looking so much better.

  27. Kat says:

    Fantastic news! And lovely photos of Miss Aria to 🙂

  28. iliganoa says:

    Praise God Aria!!!!!!!!!You are so wonderful Papa we love you amen.

  29. joyce says:

    Thanks for the pics. Always love to see her precious face. Thank you Lord for all your blessings on Aria and this family. Praying still.


    What a joy to see Aria’s improvement!! God is so-o-o good! Praying stell here in Texas; hoping for a homecoming soon.

  31. Shirley Davy says:

    SO wonderful…. just amazing… thanks for blogging. X

  32. Steph vanG says:

    Fantastic! Go Aria! xxxxxxxxx

  33. sealy mattress sale says:

    Just thought i would comment and say neat theme, did you code it yourself? Lookswonderful.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11