A cute Aria story… - Aria MacDonald

A cute Aria story…

Now I know you all want to hear the cute Aria story, but first I’ll give a quick status update as to her current health. For those just tuning in she is in hospital tonight (and for more nights to come, how many will depend on what exactly is bothering her) with what may be a pneumonia or maybe just a virus. Her breathing has become quite laboured and she needs some extra support and treatment that only the hospital can provide.

They are being pretty aggressive with the treatment, breathing treatments every 2 hours, doses of steroids and strong antibiotics just in case it is the dreaded Pseudomonas rearing its ugly head again. Please pray this combination gets Aria well again and that there won’t be too much lost ground in terms of getting Aria oxygen free again. Anita is staying with her tonight and hopefully there will be sleep involved for everyone although 2 hourly treatments may make that challenging, please pray for sleep!

Now for the cute story: Asher came into hospital with Anita this afternoon to do the night shift. Asher being his normal boisterous 2 year old self was being LOUD. After taking him on little errands with me to try and keep him occupied it was time to give the ward a break and time for Asher to go. My cunning plan was to take Asher down to the zoo to tire him out so he’ll go to sleep well tonight, but I didn’t want Aria to know just in case she got jealous. Now when it came time to leave Asher was reluctant to go, he loves being with Aria in hospital and always misses her when she’s there, so Anita told him that I was going to take him somewhere else fun to get him to want to leave. Aria almost immediately says “Asher go zoo”, excited that Asher might have the opportunity to go to one of Aria’s favourite places. Again Aria amazes us with her generosity of spirit and love for our family. After having a fairly tough day, she still wants Asher to have good times. Love that girl to bits!

20 Responses to “A cute Aria story…”

  1. Karyn says:

    awww what a sweetheart xx

  2. Emma Abrahams says:

    She’s such a lovely girl! Hope she gets better soon and Asher has fun at the zoo.

  3. Kat says:

    Bless her!

  4. Kathleen and Anita says:

    Sounds like she takes after her dad, kind and totally unselfish!
    Love to you all

  5. kelli says:

    She is so special, Praying for sleep and for the ABX to work quickly 🙂

  6. Mary says:

    Isn’t she just the most amazing sweetheart? Bless her the little darling, so kind and unselfish even when she is ill herself.

  7. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Oh Bless – she is such a sweetheart! Thinking of Anita and Aria tonight and hoping they have a peaceful night together.

  8. Bronwyn says:

    Your little girl is very precious… with very caring parents… continuing to uphold you all.

  9. iliganoa says:

    Shes such a generous and grateful one and her brother loves her so much. Thank you Lord Jesus for granting this family peaceful sleep tonite and thank you for such a generous and grateful family. Their love and concern for each other is such wonderful example. We love you guys, and again stretch out our hopes and faith together in Christ for quick return to good health for Aria and for all of you. It is always yes, and amen in Jesus’ Name, praise Him forever! Theres power in the blood of Jesus for all our forgiveness and healing, and in this power alone we expect miracle healing for Aria, thank you Papa, all glory to your Name,amen! amen! amen!

  10. Judy Palmer says:

    Praying Aria gets over this hurdle really quickly and for you all.

  11. Natalie and Cody says:

    She’s an awesome brave little girl – am praying that she gets well quickly and that you all get some sleep

  12. Martha says:

    So lovely!

  13. Yvonne RRN says:

    Wow Aria is now seen as a VIP….which she is anyhow….to jump all the red tape of A&E or ER.
    Seems when they know their sweet Aria is coming back to ‘visit’ they all spring into action & all hands on deck to help her (& you Mum & Dad).

    Had to laugh tho at her suggesting where to take Asher for fun & distraction away from his bleoved sister.
    Hamish & Anita you have an awesome couple of little ones there.
    Bless you all

  14. susan says:

    sweet dreams Aria and family! I pray you will feel lots better in the morning.

  15. Raylene says:

    She is a special little girl your Aria. What a sweet nature to be so unwell and still be wishing the best for her little brother. Please get well quickly Aria. xx

  16. jen says:

    praying for Aria and you all

    so special
    hope shes better real soon

  17. joyce says:

    I stand amazed at every post and the awesome way you all handle it so well. Prayers for a speedy recovery for Aria and back home again soon.

  18. Tiffany Keller says:

    Aww…Aria is such a sweetie pie! I hope she feels much better very soon! God Bless!

  19. Christine Blake says:

    Thinking of you and hoping Aria’s able to come out of hospital soon.

  20. Jo says:

    You are an amazing Mum! Aria is a chip off the block! Prayers for you guys from here. Big hug.

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