Answers - Aria MacDonald


We have answers.  It feels good to have them, even if they are not perfect.

Good news is that Aria’s kidneys look great.  She had two ultrasounds today and there was nothing of note there- Phew!  This is a relief.  She is peeing better this arvo and we are hoping that continues.

The result from the cat scan today is that she has nodules on her lungs.  They are treatable and could be bacterial, fungal or something called PTLD which is a post transplant cancer.  It is very unlikely to be that based on several things including negative tests from other things.

So we are taking bloods to check if it is fungus.  Not fungus in her blood, she would be very sick if that was the case.  But rather signals that the fungus in her lungs would send off if it was indeed in her lungs.  There is talk of a bronch tomorrow.  This is where they send a scope right down into her lungs and get a sample.  This will show if it is a bacteria and maybe if it is a fungus.

If all these test come back negative then we will have a get a biopsy of her lungs.  This is a fairly serious procedure involving a GA and there are fairly significant risks.  But this is the gold standard and from that we would know if it is fungus or PTLD.

So we are praying for a sign of fungus off her blood but we won’t know until Friday.  In the mean time we will start oral ABX and oral anti fungal.

Aria has had a really big day.  It started at 5.30am with a needle stick for blood.  She had her normal examinations by various people.  She then had a ultrasound of her kidneys- twice- this was around 30 mins.  A heart echo.  A CT scan- if you saw the Sunday or Attitude tv shows you will remember her having this and freaking out a bit.  There was no sign of this today.  She had a urine sample taken, a bag stuck on her ‘bits’, twice.  Lots of people coming in and talking to me and her.  She handled this all so so so well.  Everyone was so impressed.  I told her ‘Aria you are Mummy’s hero’  She laughed and said ‘Yes Aria is a hero!’  She was a joy to be with today, laughing, playing, joking and smiling.   She is my hero.

I spent most of the day busy and really really dwelling and living the verse I posted this morning.  Particularly when they came back a second time to scan her kidneys and particularly when the Big C word was being discussed.  So strange to watch these images of her kidneys and read all the writing yet having NO IDEA what it means until someone takes the time to tell me.  Which they do but it takes patience and trust.  I love how God promised that he would uphold me AND be with me AND strengthen me.  It is like He knows how much I struggle yet He is trying to convince me three times of His goodness.  He doesn’t need to do that!  He is God!  But how deeply he understands and loves me.

The privilege of this journey is that I get to see God working.  I felt Him today.  I saw His power in my daughter.  I felt him melt away my anxious heart.

Tomorrow’s verse for living is from my dear friend Lindsey.  Thank you Lindsey!

Lamentations 3:
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are NOT consumed,
for his compassions NEVER fail.
23 They are new EVERY morning;
GREAT is your faithfulness.(!!!)
24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I WILL wait for him.”
25 The LORD is GOOD to those whose hope is in HIM,
to the one who seeks him.

13 Responses to “Answers”

  1. Susan Keam says:

    Reading the blogs over the past few days is hard – just when Aria seems to be taking huge steps forward, there are the steps back.But we believe in a sovereign God who gave Aria life, who has preserved her thus far through the rough seas of transplant , for an amazing purpose – His glory.

    The words of a very old hymn sprang to mind as I was reading the current blog

    My times are in Your hand;
    My God, I wish them there;
    My life, my friends, my soul I leave
    Entirely to Your care.

    My times are in Your hand;
    Whatever they may be;
    Pleasing or painful, dark or bright,
    As best may seem to You.

    My times are in Your hand;
    Why should I doubt or fear?
    My Father’s hand will never cause
    His child a needless tear.

    Our prayers for Aria are continuing.

    Susan Keam

  2. Cork and Carol says:

    Just have chills as I read this post tonight. Have had you all on my heart and mind today and it is so wonderful to read of your courageous daughter (who undoubtedly is mirroring her courageous parents!). And we know where that courage comes from! Praise God for taking you through yet another day of tests and answers. Have wanted to call you all day, but knew it was going to be a busy one. Hope to touch base with you tomorrow.
    Love and much prayer,
    Carol for us both

  3. joyce says:

    What ever Aria is going thru now is nothing to what she has been thru this past year. God has seen her thru thus far and will continue. You have all been so faithful and you shall reap the rewards. He has a plan and we must trust him. Our prayers continue for his will to be done and peace for you all. Go Aria you are one special little gal.

  4. Samantha Sutherland says:

    You sound very positive and I am happy that they have explained everything so you can understand what they are looking for. PTLD is something we all fear deeply but with careful monitoring and swift response I have faith that the doctors will see you safely through this. I love how positive Aria is too – isn’t she so precious!

  5. Kathleen and Anita says:

    What Susan writes is so true. It is all for His glory. That is our purpose here on earth. May His glory shine out of you today! And may He receive all the glory for Aria’s attitude that reflects the trust her daddy and mummy have in their Sovereign God!

  6. Tiffany Keller says:

    Praying that everything will turn out well! Aria is definitely a hero! 🙂 She is the bravest little girl I know! Your faith inspires me! God Bless!

  7. Lori says:

    She is a HERO to many of us!!!! Glad there are answers, but will continue to pray things get resolved quickly. Thanking God for His watch and care over YOU (Anita) today…and for the peace He lavished on you during a very busy (stress filled) day. Will as always continue lifting sweet Aria up particularly this week as we await more testing and results. Love you guys!

  8. Judy Palmer says:

    Praying as always for results to be good ones and for God’s comforting arm around you all. Aria is certainly a hero. Blessings to you all. Judy.

  9. VICTORIA says:

    I have been a part of your journey through all of your family struggles and setbacks yet I am always truely astonished by your bravery and unwavering faith.I myself am not of any practising faith,but find myself drawn into and in awe of your belief and love of a power greater than wwhat most of us feel or have love for.I am yours truely,in my own religion,and hope my small depth of spirituality helps your daily work.Love and laughter.Victoria.x

  10. VICTORIA says:

    I have been a part of your journey through all of your family struggles and setbacks yet I am always truely astonished by your bravery and unwavering faith.I myself am not of any practising faith,but find myself drawn into and in awe of your belief and love of a power greater than what most of us feel or have love for.I am yours truely,in my own religion,and hope my small depth of spirituality helps your daily work.Love and laughter.Victoria.x

  11. iliganoa says:

    Oh thank you Papa that you have Aria in your loving care. Thank you for healing her precious lungs Papa. In Jesus mighty Name amen, amen, amen!!!

  12. Linda Crosbie says:

    Your little Hero is going through bumps in the road again and she manages them so well with her incredible strength and laughter and agreeing that she is a Hero. I hope those tests prove the lesser of all the issues and is very treatable with antibiotics and minimal intervention. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
    I watched the Sunday programme again last week as it was on in the early hours and I couldn’t sleep and feeling sorry for myself with the flu. But there was Aria and it really bucked me up on what have I got to complain about!! Kia kaha and much love to you all. XXXX

  13. Jo says:

    It’s 1.20am here in NZ and I couldn’t sleep. I was lying here praying for Aria and you guys. I didn’t know that you had had a tough day as I hadn’t read the blog since the gorgeous party photos. I just sensed something wasn’t right though and turned my laptop on. What a tough day!
    I get blown away by Aria’s ability to cope. No wonder she is your hero!
    I feel like you are a hero too Anita. Your courage is amazing, and your ability to let us know how it feels is very special to me. I am glad you are real.
    I know the Lord is right there with you at this time, and His Word and the promises it brings to us are real. You have shown us that over and over.
    May He continue to equip you with all that you need, and may the doctors find the problem quickly so the right meds can be given.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11