2007 February - Aria MacDonald

Archive for February, 2007


We have had a great response from people adding the link to Aria’s site on to their site. Thank you to those who have. I can tell you that it makes a difference! We are getting visitors from all over the world, hello to the Americans and Australians! Thanks for stopping by.

Aria is a cloth nappy baby, those who know me are aware of my wee obsession! You will also know Aria doesn’t do number twos so I guess it is easy for me. Most of Aria’s nappies come from Snazzipants and we are honoured that they have adding the link to their site!

Aria is getting bigger everyday, she loves clapping and waving and tries to do both at the same time. She is a very good baby and Hamish and I love being her Mum and Dad. Her dolly is her favourite toy at the moment and her favourite book is Old MacDonald had a Farm, funnily enough.

We are waiting for the results from Aria’s kidney scan last week. We are in no particular hurry to get these as we know it means transplant soon maybe 12-18 months away. This means lots of fundraising in that time. The fundraising will mainly be for living expenses while we are away. Living the the US for a couple of years with no income is a huge expense and we have to stay together as a family to be able to make it thru what is going to be a tough time.

We have received donations and offers of fundraising already from generous and caring people. If you think you can use your skills to help us, great or small please let us know, we would love to hear from you!

Will you help us?

I am blessed to be surrounded by supportive and clever friends and family. Sharon (my Dad’s wife) has come up with this idea.



The Big Scan

Aria is having her kidneys scanned on Monday. This is like an ultrasound that you have when you are pregnant. This is a big deal for transplant. After the scan there will be another test, something about dye and taking blood test every couple of hours to see how well her kidneys are getting rid of the dye and flushing it out. This test will be done in the next couple of weeks (hopefully).

If her kidneys haven’t grown and aren’t processing waste well then we will be going to transplant soon. Soon being maybe a years time. This isn’t ideal. It is better to wait until she is stronger and bigger. The transplant is high risk. Sure she will be able to eat sooner but it would be better to wait. Anyway it is all God’s timing, if He wants it soon then so be it.

This means we will be starting fundraising soon. We have set up a bank account, please see details on the right. It is a trust account that is jointly run between the Kids Foundation and Hamish and I. It is good having a third party involved to help with the accounting and legal aspects and gives people peace of mind that an official charity is involved. So you know any donations won’t be funding Hamish’s and my next trip to Fiji (or first trip)! Jokes aside we are so grateful to the Kids Foundation, please click on the link and see the great work they do.

Also Aria’s photo album has been updated! Thanks Sharon.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11