2007 May - Aria MacDonald

Archive for May, 2007

A bit of bad news

We are pretty sad today. We took Aria to Starship last night because she had a really high temp. She has been admitted and the Docs have started antibiotics. Her temps are really high and she is not herself with bright pink cheeks.

So the 1st birthday party plans have a question mark over them right now. We will decide later on in the week but it is looking pretty doubtful. We are pretty upset with the idea of celebrating Aria’s birthday in hospital. We are hoping and praying we will be home on Sunday and Aria will get better very quickly.

Aria’s First Day at School

Wow what a week it has been since our TV appearance! Thank you to everyone who commented, emailed and donated! Thank you!

Today Aria visited Bucklands Beach Intermediate School. We went to see Room 6 and their teacher Miss Kennedy. I talked about Aria’s condition and then the class asked lots of really good questions. Aria behaved herself (except for ripping some artwork off the wall – sorry!!) and played with some of the class toys. We also met some of the teachers there. We had a great time- thanks for letting us visit!!!

We also got an exciting email from Room 20 at Gulf Harbour Primary School. They have some great ideas for fundraising for Aria. Check back here soon for more details. It is very nice of them to help Aria!

Aria on the TV, Radio and the Web!!

Tonight our story appeared on the Close Up show. It is surreal to see yourself and your precious bubba on TV and hear your story played back to you. It was very well done and we are so grateful to Close Up who made it such a great experience.

We have already experienced first hand the kindness and support that Kiwis have shown Aria. We have a big journey ahead to raise the money we need to give Aria a chance at life. But we are on the road. Please see the Support page on our site if you can help us.

Did you miss it? Watch our story on the tvnz.co.nz website.

Also we where interviewed on breakfast radio this morning.  Classic Hits in Wellington asked us to come on and chat about our wee girl with the Wellingtonians down there!  I talked with Dave Smart and the team about our fight for Aria’s life and a chance for her to eat fairy bread!! Yum!  Thanks to the lovely listeners for visiting our site.

Also YahooXtra have written a story about us. Click Here to have a read.

We are on tonight!!

Thursday the 17th of May

Close Up 7.00pm Channel One

Watch to see our story and our lovely girl. It will be available for viewing on the TVNZ website if you miss it or are overseas.

Aria’s Big Days Out

Aria has been very busy the past two days.  Yesterday we went into Tip Top Ice Cream, Aria’s mum’s old work.  They have been busy fundraising with Jeans Days and other kind friends there supporting our fundraising efforts.

Today was the visit to Aria’s daddy’s work Fisher and Paykel Finance.  It was our first visit there and we got a lovely warm reception.  They were having a fundraising Mothers Day raffle and Aria drew out the winners!  We managed to rescue the tickets before they ended up in her mouth!

We are really grateful for the support from these wonderful Kiwi companies!

In other news- no news on Aria’s TV appearance.  Any day now but there have been big news stories lately!  Please check back as I will post on the day!

The date for Aria’s TV appearance

It is looking like the end of next week. We won’t know until the actual day when it is going to screen. On the day I will update the site so check back in when you can.

Aria is 11 months old today! Only one more month and she will be one!! WOW. We have a party to plan I think, there is much celebrating to do.

Also Aria’s photo album has been updated!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11