2008 March - Aria MacDonald

Archive for March, 2008

Just thought we would remind you!

This little ‘ticker’ says it all really.  March is looking really really likely to be Hospital Free Month.  YAY!

Aria’s first big game.

Yesterday Aria experienced another first as Aria, her Nana Mac, and I (dad) went to see the Vodafone Warriors first home game for the year.

 We were a little uncertain if she was old enough to go to the game as it is a long time to sit still and a lot of noise but we decided that it was good to give Aria new experiences and it would be nice for three generations of MacDonalds to have a day out together.

 Anyway we rocked up to the Stadium without tickets intending to buy some to sit on the grass embankment at the Northern end. As we got close to the stadium pushing Aria’s buggy along, a police car pulls up beside us and asks if we are going to the game. We said we were and they ask if had any tickets. We didn’t so they offered us some tickets, although they said they were ‘only’ tickets for the South and North stands, we eagerly accepted these as they were exactly what we wanted in the first place. Amazing how blessed we are even in such little ways.

 So we got onto the bank and found a nice space to sit, folded down the buggy so the handles were in front of Aria and started to watch the game. Aria played with some toys we had brought along, did stickering and drawing, did some standing, had drinks from her water bottle and looked around at all the people. We asked her if she could see the people on the big grass field and she pointed to the players, and we told her they were playing league.

 We were most impressed when she happily sat and watched for nearly the whole first half. She then went for walks with me and Nana for the rest of the game, in and around the stadium and down at ground level. Never once did the crowds or the noise bother her, She behaved impeccably.

 It was great for Nana and I to have Aria with us, a wonderful day out. For Aria I think the highlight was a piece of waffle cone that we gave her to play with, it ended up all over her.

Just another example for us of how great Aria’s nature is.

Don’t forget the fundraiser for Aria on the 5th of April, details HERE

He is Risen!

Happy Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate our Saviour’s victory over death.   We love this day, it reminds us that God can defeat death, then how much more he defeat Aganglionosis!

This weekend has been great.  Hamish has had four day off, Aria is well and doing Great Great GREAT!!  Asher is a darling as always.  I have been ready a most wonderful book that has really helped me finally accept and embrace our difficult situation.

Anyway there is much to share but for today I will leave it here.

Please don’t forget our fundraiser for Aria.  We would love to see you there

Details HERE

What are you doing on the 5th of April?

New Life Church in Manurewa is holding a Dinner/Auction Night for Aria

Where: New Life Church, corner of Jutland and Jellicoe Roads

When: 5th of April 7.00pm

What: A catered dinner and dessert, non-alcoholic drinks, entertainment, a auction (bring your wallets)

What’s up for auction: A brand new Fisher and Pakyel Active Smart Fridge and a Fisher and Paykel Chest Freezer. A brand new 28 inch TV from Harvey Norman. Lots of vouchers for gyms/dinners etc etc. Mystery weekend. And LOTS more.

Price: $50 per ticket or book a table of ten.

We would love you to support Aria by attending this dinner.

Where to get tickets:

Celebration Cakes Manukau

Phone 279 3350 or 298 3534

Email ariaswebsite@ihug.co.nz

How great is our God?

The MacDonald family, smiling happily on a very important day.

Today we baptised our son and Aria’s brother at church. Of course there were lots of tears, mainly from me and Hamish but lots of misty eyes in the congregation. We remembered Aria’s baptism, which was held at Auckland hospital in the chapel. At that point we didn’t know about bowel transplants and thought she was going to die. We also thought there was a 50% chance other kids we had would be born with the same horrid disease. We were to lose our baby girl and remain childless… but that wasn’t to be.

Today we have Aria with us, who, has a hard road ahead of her, but she is such a huge blessing in our lives and we love her so much. AND we have another blessing, Asher, who has brought us great joy.

“The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.”
– Psalm 126:3

Will we make it?

So I got a letter in the mail this next for Aria’s next clinic appointment- it is on the 1st of April. So if we make it to that then March would of been hospital free! It is scary when you are hoping not to have one month that isn’t tainted by a hospital stay. It means that Aria is in hospital every month 🙁

So we are saying prayers and hoping that March will be Hospital Free Month 🙂

This Sunday Asher is being baptised. I am trying not to be to emotional about this. Aria’s baptism took place at Auckland Hospital in the chapel two days after we got her diagnosis. At that point we still thought it was the end and we should get her ‘done’ sooner rather than later. Asher will be baptised at church without the air of grief that Aria’s baptism had. Anyway it is a given that I will cry but hey happy tears this time!!

Nothing much to say really but…

……we are having a grand time at home. Buckets of fun. Aria is doing really well and is very well in herself. Her progress is great and we are so excited. Suddenly her resistance to standing and trying to walk is gone and she is doing very well. She wakes up every morning happy and laughing which makes a huge change to when she is sick.

Speaking of home, I was bemoaning my lack of time to do that housework to my good buddy Sam who understands these things. I was looking at my diary and thinking about my time. I was trying to figure out how much extra stuff I do because of Aria. This week for example I have about 5 hours of extra appointments plus another two hours of regular appointments.

Anyway don’t get me wrong, I am happy to do them all. Aria has been going to a speech therapy clinic on Wednesdays which she loves. I am a little bummed cause my friends are planning to go to the movies, to a Mum and Bubs session which unfortunately is only on at pretty much the same time as Aria’s clinic. Still Aria loves it and it is good for her to learn new stuff. Plus Aunty Megan is kind enough to watch Asher while we go so it is nice one on one time for me and Missy.

Anyway Sam and I are planning a girlie night, leaving the kids at home with our Hamishs. Both of us are very blessed to having lovely Hamishs for husbands. Both of them are supportive in us have time out which is great. Yay

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11