2007 August - Aria MacDonald

Archive for August, 2007

Will it stay or will it go?

Aria’s line I am talking about… Aria’s condition must improve overnight or it is coming out 🙁

We are pretty sad about that; Aria has had that line in since she was 6 weeks old. We have had a remarkable run with it, she really should have had 3 or 4 by now. Still it will be sad to lose it if it comes to that.

However every time the powers-that-be have ‘threatened’ (for want of a better word — makes them sound menacing but they really aren’t) to remove it her condition has improved within the stated 24-hour timeframe. So we are praying God will again be gracious yet again.

Aria has been really sick this time, I think this is the sickest she has ever been. It is really hard to see her suffering. She is still a darling regardless of her hotness and general yuck feeling.

Anyway, stay tuned.

Hot, hot, hot

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but little miss Aria is in starship today.

When we got her up this morning she was very toasty so we took her to Starship and they have admitted her.

She is as hot as she has ever been, into the 40’s and not a very happy wee girl.

They have found a bug in her central line, which is bad because it means its probably a dreaded line infection but good because they will be better able to target the bug.

Please pray that Aria’s temperature comes down and the bugs are cleared out of her line nice and quickly.

Aria never fails to amaze us with her strength of spirit, despite being so hot and unhappy she still finds it within herself to give Anita and I laughs as we act like clowns to try and cheer her up. It says a lot about how amazing a person she is that even in these trying times for her that she can still laugh and bring us such joy.

Room 20 at Gulf Harbour School needs your help!!

Room 20 at Gulf Harbour school are studying Enterprise and are focusing on charities. Guess who they choose to support?? You guessed it — Aria!! Yay we are so excited.

They have been busy and have run a bake sale and want to do a raffle. They have big plans but are looking for a sponsor. Can you help? They are looking for a financial supporter to get their ideas up and running.

Are you a business or someone who can help? Would you like a double dose of the warm fuzzies? Helping Aria AND helping Room 20 in their fundraising endeavours! Phew!

Please, if you are reading this, consider getting in contact with us using THIS FORM. Room 20 and ourselves would be very grateful.

PS: Aria is doing well and getting still more teeth. Her eye teeth are bearing down and apparently they are the worst ones to get. Poor thing, so she is a bit under the weather. Less than 100 days until her brother or sister shows up. Yikes 🙂

Aria Kisses

We went to visit Lara on Thursday, we had a great time. I was so encouraged to see how wonderful Lara is doing after her liver transplant. We when first met Lara she was a beautiful golden girl in need of a gift of life. She got her gift thanks to the kindness of a family who had lost a loved one. What a huge rollercoaster ride the Sutherlands have been on, they are an amazing family.

Aria and Lara had a grand time playing!! Although Aria did manage to whack Lara on the head with one of her toys. Sorry Lara!!! Lara’s big brother Jake was very sweet with Aria too and gave her hugs.

While we were there Lara’s mum Samantha asked me if Aria gave kisses yet and I said no not yet. However while Aria’s Poppa was looking after her on Saturday Aria decided that he should be the first recipient of the much coveted Aria kisses! It was quite sweet! Mummy’s turn finally came today, yay! Daddy has a day off tomorrow when we go to clinic at Starship, hopefully he might get one or two 🙂

Aria goes to Rotavegas!

Aria’s first holiday took place this weekend just gone! A very exciting time for our little family as we headed away for our first family trip. Aria had a great time as we did a few tourist things, patting lion cubs, visiting mud pools etc etc.

It took a bit of planning and co-ordination but the trip went very well. The worst thing that happened was we managed to lose Aria’s hat the first couple of hours we were there! We were walking around in town and she must of taken it off and dropped it over the side of her pram and we missed it. Oh well, we got her a cute pink and grey NZ one from a shop at Paradise Valley. Together with her All Blacks jacket she looked like quite the tourist. Check out the pictures.

Patting the lion cubs was a big highlight although she was a bit nervous and unsure of these big cats. Well, big compared to our cat at home! She saw lots of animals which made her smile unless they got too close!

Anyway it was a fun weekend!!

New Linkie Things

We have updated Aria’s linkie thing with a new photo. She has grown and changed so much since that last photo which was a while ago.

If you have used the code from our Support page it should have automagically updated.

If you have a website and would like to support Aria in this way the code can be found on the Support page. Visitors to your site can click on the box and it takes them to Aria’s site.

Aria MacDonald


Aria MacDonald

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11