2008 June - Aria MacDonald

Archive for June, 2008

Light in the darkness

The past few days have been a bit difficult for me for reasons I won’t go into.  I have been feeling a bit down and today saw a turnaround.

I got a call this morning about Aria’s EEG.  A test she needs to have because of the seizure that she had.  She had gotten an appointment straight after she got out of hospital but I couldn’t manage to find someone to come with me (I had 10mins) and couldn’t face taking taking both kids and trying to entertain Aria for an hour long test.  So I said no I can’t cope after a discussion with Hamish.

So 6 weeks later they have a space for her at 8.30am this Thursday.  And it was the only one available cause they are booked solid.  So being in a better frame of mind having a few weeks at home I said yes.  I could manage.  BUT amazing, Hamish starts at lunchtime and finishes at 9pm one thursday every week in three and would you know it is the same thursday Aria’s appointment is on.  So he can come!!!!  

It is a very early appointment but that is great cause he will be able to get to work in time and we are going to stay in town at Rebecca’s parents house again, so very blessed.

I also got a CD in the mail from Ali yesterday.  Thank you Ali.  There are some very powerful lyrics by a singer called Natalie Grant which speak directly into my situation.  I was amazed and grateful, Ali, thanks for being on my wavelength!

It is so wonderful when you can see God working and he reaches out to you in the midst of trial and blesses you even though you don’t ask or expect it.  We are not alone in our journey with Aria and He reminds us all the time.

A mini break and some other stuff

We went away for the weekend and just got back.  And what a weekend!

We stayed at Rebecca’s parents house in Westmere.  It was beautiful and we were so grateful to be able to enjoy it.

Our weekend didn’t start as planned.  On Friday night Hamish was half an hour late home.  Turns out he was in a nose to tail on the motorway (three trucks and him).  Our car is munched front and back and I am pretty sure it will be written off!!!  We were pretty upset with the idea of having to buy a new car and poor Hamish was sore and a bit shaken up.

Still Saturday morning came along and we were determind to put it behind us and enjoy the weekend.  Ha!  Not!  Aria’s bile started to turn a very nasty colour and she vomited in the car on the way from dropping our things off at the house.  Gutted.  This always means something it brewing and Hamish and I (mostly me) started fretting that our weekend was ruined.

Some talking and hard praying got our minds back on track.  If Aria was to get sick then we need to enjoy whatever time we had until the temp turned up.  But low and behold there was no temp and by about Saturday lunchtime her bile was back to it’s normal colour and consistency!!  We were totally amazed and spent the rest of the weeknd enjoying ourselves.

Today marks an important day in the life and times of the MacDonald family.  I often read the blogs of other families who post about how wonderful their childs doctor is.  Most of you would of read mentions of Dr E from time to time.  She really deserves a whole post dedicated to her but I know she reads this so I don’t want to embarass her.  BUT it was two years ago today since we met her and we are ever so thankful for her hardwork and dedication to Aria.  She is awesome and we are so thankful she is Aria’s doctor. 

Yay, it has been a month

It has been over a month since Aria was in hospital!  Nice, it has been a nice month with her birthday although it has been very busy.  I hope this continues for another month!! and the month after that and that and that…..  You get the picture 🙂

Aria’s Birthday Photos & a new fundraiser

As promised photos of Aria’s birthday have been uploaded into her photo album.

 Also included is a more recent photo of Mr Asher who turned six months yesterday, boy has time flown.

In other news extraordinarily talented New Zealand artist Michelle Gladwell has offered to put a piece of her amazing art for sale on TradeMe with the proceeds going to Aria. Check out her website here.

The link is HERE

Thanks for stopping by.

Life is good

Aria really enjoyed her birthday at the Zoo! We had a great time and the elephant was her fave. Asher pretty much slept the whole time 🙂

On my To Do list is to put up a photo of her at the Zoo and Lisa- I haven’t forgotten about your question 🙂 I will answer it I promise!!

Right now both children are asleep and I am enjoying my lunch in peace and quiet. I am thinking about my good friend Sam and Lara and their family who are having a particularly hard time right now. Life might be good for us right now but they are having a full on time. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Happy 2nd Birthday Aria!!


God has done great things!

Aria turns 2 today.  We are so excited.  We had a great day yesterday with some friends and family celebrating our new house and Aria’s 2nd birthday.

Actually the birthday girl is still asleep but today we are off to the Zoo and we are very excited cause it is the first time for both kids.

Also Happy Birthday hugs today to Jodee, Peter and Nathanael.  Lots of special people born on the 3rd of June!!

The countdown is on!

Two more sleeps until Aria turns two!  YAY!  We are so excited.

We are planning a trip to the Zoo on tuesday pending fine weather.  Aria has never been yet and we are excited to take her.  She has some special presents lined up by from us and the grandparents and other friends.

We will post a photo of the birthday girl on her birthday.

We are so happy to reach this milestone with Aria.  Her 1st birthday wasn’t all we have hoped with her being in hospital and the grief of the events were just a year ago and still a bit raw.  Now we have Asher in our family and the events are now in the past and seem like years ago! 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11