Aria was admitted to Starship on Thursday morning. She has a temperature and increased fluid loss out of her gastrostomy. The docs aren’t really sure what the problem is at this stage. They are treating it as a line infection and she is on antibotics. You have to wait 48 hours for the blood taken out of her line to show up the bugs. We should know if there are bugs in her blood stream by Saturday arvo. We are hoping it is not a line infection but at any rate we will be there for 7 – 10 days 🙁
We will post updates there over the time we are in. Aria is doing well all things considered. She is happy and smiling but hot and sometimes grizzly because of the various poking and proding. One of her hands was out of order because she had an IV line in it. This made her new found clapping skill a bit difficult so she made for it by learning to clap with her feet. Quite cute.
Saturday Update
Hey there, not to much to report today from the hospital in terms of answers.
Aria’s is still having temperatures and her outputs are still up. They have been trying to grow bugs taken from samples of her blood and gastric juices, so far nothing has grown which is both a good thing because there isn’t any bugs but it also not so good because they still don’t know what is going on with her.
One good thing is that she has both her hands back, so now she can clap her hands and her legs.
Aria is so brave and resilient. I think that we as parents find the hospital experience more draining and trying than Aria does.
We’ll keep you posted.