2008 April - Aria MacDonald

Archive for April, 2008

Still here

We are still here and waiting and waiting. We are waiting to see which ABX the bugs in Aria’s line are sensitive to so we can go home knowing we are on the right ones and she will get better.

Currently I am sitting in the family rooms at Starship, both kids are asleep!!! Aria is on the ward in her bed and Asher is asleep in the pram. YAY! I am about to complete my first day alone with two kids in hospital!! Maybe it isn’t a big deal but it is for me. It is hard to have two BUT I wouldn’t send either of my darling children back 🙂

I can’t currently send emails (only receive) so a few messages. Jodee – I am so happy Matisse is so well, she is looking great. Sam – thank you, very sweet. Mich, Delz, Sarah, Corina, Gaf, Jules – I am really hoping we are home by Friday so you guys can come over!! Sharon – thank you for updating the linkie thing

Anyway a big hello to everyone else

The end of a golden run…

Well after what was more than two whole months without a hospital stay, Aria has finally returned to Hotel Starship.

Aria has been showing signs of getting sick for the last week or so and we brought her into the hospital for a check and they confirmed that there is something growing in Aria’s feed line. She has been admitted for what will be a couple of days at the very least.

While it is always sad and disappointing to have Aria go into hospital we can be thankful that we got the move completed and that Aria was well for so long.

Please pray that we can quickly clear the bugs out of her line and that we can return to our new house once more.

We are loving the new house for all the space it offers us and all the storage we have for the things that we need to take care of her.

If you were wondering where we’ve been, we have been out of the loop because we haven’t got our internet up and running at home yet. Currently we are using the free wireless service offered by Ronald McDonald House Family House, just one of the great things that they offer families like ours who become resident at Starship.

Hopefully the next post we have will be good news.

Thanks for your support as always!


Life has changed so much for us since Aria was brought into our lives. Today our family had the huge privilege of attending Lara Sutherland’s 1st Transplant Birthday Party!!! WOW. How blessed are we to be friends with such amazing and strong people who have been on such a difficult journey. BUT even more blessed that we get to celebrate such a miracle with them and watch their beautiful daughter toddle around happy and healthy.

One day soon we will celebrate Matisse’s transplant birthday. And we will celebrate Aria’s transplant birthday too. And eventually we will celebrate them both in NZ, that will be very cool. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, but it is nice to dream.

Big News Post 3 of 3

Sorry this is a bit late!!

Firstly it is actually lots of little bits of big news!

The fundraiser we advertised a couple of weeks ago was a huge success and the event raised over $12,000!  WOW!

Secondly tonight I went to see Evelyn and her daughter Stephanie.  They are off back to their home country after living in NZ for about 6 years.  They are amazing people.  They have given us the most generous gift.  Their car!!!!  I still can’t believe it but right now there is a beautiful Daihatsu YRV in our driveway!!!

Thirdly, the other big news is that we are here for another year in NZ.  Aria is not going to transplant in 2008, unless something drastic happens.  YAY!  We are in no hurry to go.

Fourthly, Aria or at least photos of Aria are going to be on April in the Afternoon on the Living Channel on Thursday 5.30.  The show has gotten on board with fundraising and they are going to launch the idea on this show.

We are busy packing for the big move at the beginning of next week.  We are so excited and can’t wait!!

Thanks Dan for updating the photo! 

WOOHOO !!!!!

Two whole months!!!!!

Will post Big New Post 3 of 3 tomorrow!!

Poor Ashie

Poor Ashie is sick. It was the first time ever where we have seen our thermometer read 38 and we didn’t have to go to hospital. I was surprised by my reaction to Ashie being sick. I thought ‘normal’ sick would be far easier. Turns out it might be worse. I was ok when he was 38 but he quickly got up to 38.8 and I started to panic. Silly really but I no idea what could be wrong whereas with Aria we are fairly comfortable at knowing what is wrong.

We took him to our GP quick smart and turns out it is a cold virus. No need to panic!! We are trying to keep him away from Aria and she isn’t impressed!

We gave Asher some Pamol too, what a blessing, his temp came down too. We have never been able to give Aria relief from her burning.

Something spooky happened as I was typing this post. I was thinking about my friend Sam and Lara and how they were doing. Next thing my cellphone beeps to tell me I have a text. It was from Sam saying Lara is in hospital!! 🙁

www.kilosforaria.co.nz is all up and running. The TV show is also got on board with fundraising.

Read more about Rebecca and the show HERE

You can donate on www.kilosforaria.co.nz

Another Big Night and Big News Post 2 of 3

WOW! You might remember the fundraiser we have been advertising on the website the past couple of weeks. It was held last night and it was a HUGE success! Local businesses donated some seriously generous prizes to auction off for our cause. Some of the items: A Sony TV, Fisher and Pakyel Fridge/Freezer, Chest Freezer, Mistibushi Air Con Unit, $500 Kiwibank Saving Account, Gym Memberships, $100 Vouchers for lots of companies, $500 voucher for Hotel du Vin, jewelery from Michael Hill and a Pandora Bracelet, $400 worth of tyres, 2 car services. I could go on forever!!!

People bidded generously and all the amazing things went for awesome amounts. AND then at the end of the evening people gave to us some of the items they won. We got a huge grocery hamper from the Aikins and a Fisher Price Dinoland for Aria from another kind lady. AND the kind organisers gave me flowers. Me! Why? Something about being an inspirational mum (not sure about that cause I am just doing what any mum would do Jodee, Sam, Natalie to name a few). I couldn’t believe it cause I should be giving them gardens of flowers for all their hard work.

My very kind friends Nola and Corina looked after Aria and Asher for us. Both of these awesome friends are moving to the South Island in the next month 🙁 Don’t know how I am going to manage without them!! Which brings me to the next big news:

We are moving! We have brought Nola and Andrew’s house in Manurewa which is bigger than ours. We are struggling in our current small 3 bedroom home with Asher needing his own room soon and Aria’s medical stuff. We amazingly sold our place within a week thanks to our awesome friend Amjad and paid no fees and got a good price. Nola and Andrew gave us a generous price for their home and my sister is moving in and taking a separate living/bedroom area so we won’t be paying very many extra $ on the mortgage.

Wow- what a loooooong post!

Thank you – our amazing friends and family who support us

Thank you – Manurewa local businesses

Thank you – Newlife Church for running an amazing night

BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE – something HUGE is happening today – will post in the next couple of days to update you all.

It’s April and it’s official AND Big News Post 1 of 3

It was….

Hospital Free March!!!!!!!

yay, God is good and we are praying He would be pleased to grant us Hospital Free April


This is the first of three big news posts

A new TV show is starting on the Living Channel on Sky.  It is called April in the Afternoon.  There is a segment in the show where April Ieremia and two other people are taking up a weight loss and fitness challenge. 

One of the contestants, Rebecca, is getting people to sponsor her weightloss and is donating the money to Aria!!  So she is looking for sponsorship, per kilo, for Aria.  So exciting.  She is setting up a website so you will be able to track her progress.

UPDATE:  Website is up http://www.kilosforaria.co.nz/

She is doing very well so far and our Aria is her inspiration during those tough workouts!  Go Rebecca!!

Anyway will keep you posted.  But if you have Sky watch the show- it starts today at 5.30pm!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11