2014 August - Aria MacDonald

Archive for August, 2014

A baby brother!

Aria has been very much on our hearts and minds in recent days.  Of course, she always is but her absence is felt more keenly.

Our family has a new baby brother and we are pretty thrilled with him.  He is healthy and lovely.  Born at full term and weighing in at the same weight as his big brother Asher at 4.5 kgs (10pounds almost).











His name is Abel Joel Aslan MacDonald.  The middle name Aslan  is a nod to Aria in a way.  Her name meant lioness of God and Aslan is the lion from Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.

Our little family is doing well.  Asher is in his second year of school and doing great.  He still talks about Aria and his sadness is obvious on some days.  He is delighted with his little brother and Abel was an answer to prayer.  Sylvie is also doing great, 2.5 years old now and no long term health effects from her early delivery.  She is a ball of energy and great fun.  She has a mop of curly hair and blue eyes like Asher.

Hamish has moved jobs from Fisher and Paykel to a charity called Christians Against Poverty NZ.  He has been there about a year and it has been a real blessing to be involved in this work.


We still miss Omaha a lot and our friends there.  But mostly we just miss Aria.  I went back and read the blog posts from our first few weeks with Asher, what a life we had.  Aria’s life was very difficult at times particularly around the times of her transplants.  It seems like a lifetime ago but just yesterday too.  She was an amazing girl and we miss her.


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11